
The heart behind HomeBodySoul…


My Story

Home Body Soul is a way of life. It’s intentional, slow living, finding value in how we care for and steward our homes, bodies, and souls.

My story has informed how I view home, body, and soul. It’s through the lens of my story that I see the interconnectedness of these three vital life areas.

As someone who grew up in an unhealthy home environment with a father who has struggled with alcohol, I’ve seen the deep ways our home environments affect our bodies and our souls.

I’ve always been passionate about the body and living a well lifestyle, but it was after watching my mom fight for her life from Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer and watching my dad sip away his health with every swig of the can, that I was determined to live a lifestyle rooted in healthy habits and I wanted to educate and inspire others to do the same.

My desire is to come alongside of women and help them to step into their best life by learning how to care for themselves so they can better care for others. My heart is for women to find what matters most to them and then intentionally make those matters a priority. By being intentional with our hearts and our time, we can build simplicity and meaning in and out of our homes and cultivate joy-filled families within healthy walls.

My approach to health and fitness is unique and authentic. While the world around us shouts that we need to look a certain way or attain a certain level of “fitness”, my heart and goal is to help women learn how to best use their bodies in the way they were designed. Of course, I desire to help women reach their health and fitness goals, but always through the lens of caring for one’s body as a temple that is not our own. Because our bodies are a gift, I challenge women to learn how to best use this precious resource so that they can move well, engage with their family, and be able to serve others.


Mission & Vision

To help each woman design a life she loves through the creation of systems for stewardship and simplicity so she can impact her family, community, and others more authentically and wholly. 

Our vision is to encourage, inspire, and empower women to tenderly care for and mindfully cultivate their homes, their bodies, and their souls with stewardship at the center through bringing healing, elevating confidence, and motivating women in each and every season they find themselves in through fresh inspiration.

HomeBodySoul is a place where our homes, our wellness, and our stories intersect.